Why childhood ?

Because children are the world's present and future.

Because children are in the making : they are more vulnerable than the adults (sometimes even at their mercy), because they are not the masters of what happen to them, because their development is crucial for their future.

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Because every child has the right to be fed, protected, cared for, and healed.

Because every child has the right to live in decent conditions, to have leisure and vacations.

Because a child has the right to be loved and considered.

Because growing up, a child has a right to education, learning & developing physical and cognitive knowledge.

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Because a child has a right to learn the necessary skills to thrive as an adult. 

Because as a young adult, he or she has the right to exercise his or her skills.

Because we are often helpless in front of a child's illness. 

Because we often have a feeling of injustice facing life's abuses. 

Because some children - often close to home – are dealing with great suffering, and this situation, too often ignored, has most of the time very uncertain outcomes.

And because this feeling puts us in front of our own responsibility.